June Meeting

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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 21, 2016.
Combined San Diego Java User’s Group and San Diego Robotics Open House

Doors open @ 5:45 PM,
Ecosystem Discussion begins @ 6:15 PM,
Keynote begins @ 7:30 PM

Keynote Speaker: Nicolas Rigaud

Speaking On:

The future of robotics


>>>>> 9001 Spectrum Center Blvd. <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92123

Can you make it Poll

San Diego Java User’s Group, IEEE San Diego Section and San Diego Robotics Club are co-hosting an inaugural "San Diego Robotics Open House", and invite you to an evening of connecting “across silos” as one San Diego robotics ecosystem. This informal event is part reboot of SD-IEEE’s Robotics and Automation Society chapter, part robotics opportunities and bringing together Entrepreneurs/Professionals/Industry/Academia as one community. So be ready to learn what’s going on in town, tell your story, and/or recruit talent!

Tonight's sponsor: SUNA Solutions, Inc.

5:45 -

Registration & Networking

6:15 -

Ecosystem Discussion

7:00 -


7:30 -

Speaker: Nicolas Rigaud

9:30 -

Meeting Ends, final announcements, tear down (optional After Party at Common Theory)

San Diego Robotics Open House is a great chance to mingle with each other and with executives of local robotics companies. The Ecosystem Discussion will begin with an Opportunity Shout Out, where companies/startups/individuals looking for talent or offering talent will have up to a minute to make their pitch. Next, we’ll go directly into a series of brief introductions from our hosts, guest companies, and student competitors (RoboSub Challenge July 2016)

List of participating organization (or Executives):
Chad Amonn, CEO / Co-Founder, Inova Drone
Eric Patten, President/CEO, Ocean Aero
Hansol Hong, CEO, Robolink
Jeff Debrosse, CTO/Co-Founder, NXT Robotics
Marius Buibas, Co-Founder, Accel Robotics
Nick Morozovsky, Co-Founder, Accel Robotics
Robert Rose, CEO, NXT Robotics
Sandeep Pandya, President, NetraDyne, Inc

Keynote Speaker: Nicolas Rigaud

Title: The future of robotics

Abstract: Robots have been in our minds for ages. Our imagination has been fed by science fiction, movies, cartons. But where are the robots to be seen today? You might wonder.
At Aldebaran, we’ve been making robots for the last 10 years. Programmable humanoid robots. Social robots. Robots that don’t focus on performance but rather on interacting with people. We get the feeling they are the ultimate interface. But what are they useful for? How do they work? And more importantly: why should you pay attention to them?
In this presentation, we'll invite Pepper on stage to do some demos, we’ll discuss software, hardware, sensors and emotions, we’ll share our vision about the future of robotics, and as much as we can, we’ll try to answer all the questions you have about this new species that will soon take over the world.

Speaker Bio: Nicolas Rigaud joined Aldebaran four years ago as a community manager, after spending 9 years in the media industry.
He is now developers advocate and manages relations with external developer communities. He’s strongly convinced that robots will change our lives in the years to come, and keep spreading the word all over the world.
He's been talking at a range of events around the world (JavaOne, Devoxx, JFokus) and was awarded JavaOne RockStar in 2015.

Company Bio: Aldebaran designs and produces kindly and interactive humanoid robots.
We believe in a future where humanoid robots will assist humans in their day-to-day lives, in their family lives, in their leisure activities and in their work.
Our goal right from the beginning has been to make robots accessible to everyone, the aim being that they will become our daily companions.
In less than 10 years, we have become the leader in the humanoid robotics market, and today we offer robots who assist professionals from the worlds of education, research, health, distribution and tourism, as well as helping families and private individuals.

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