October Meeting
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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 16th.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM
Presenter: Nam Nguyen
Speaking on: PHP-Java compilation
Presenter: Matt Tyler
Speaking on: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber
>>>>> 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 210 <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92117
From Highway 5 exit east at Balboa
North on Morena Blvd.
6:30 - |
Equipment setup and mixer - Food provided by Caucho | |
7:00 - |
Meeting begins, announcements | |
7:15 - |
Speaker: Nam Nguyen | |
7:50 - |
Short Break | |
8:00 - |
Speaker: Matt Tyler |
9:00 - |
Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer | |
9:30 - |
Official Stop but we can hang out for as long as the drinks continue or longer! |
Speaker: Nam Nguyen
Title: PHP-Java compilation
Abstract:This talk will focus on how Quercus compiles PHP to Java. We will start out with an overview of the PHP language, then delve into the complexities of compiling PHP to Java. We will go in-depth on the many optimizations we put in place. Finally we will end with a brief primer on Java SE 1.7's invokedynamic how it can be used in Quercus (and why it's not used now).
Bio: Nam Nguyen is the lead engineer on Quercus. He has been the main contributor to Quercus for over five years. He has an interest in high-performance Java and has consulted companies on how to scale their Java backends.
Speaker: Matt Tyler
Title: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber
Bio: Matt is the Senior Technical Lead at ResMed, a medical device company treating Sleep Apnea, for the EasyCare Online product. He has over 11 years Java development experience and has a few interesting areas he'd like to share.