July Meeting
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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 17th.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM
Presenter: Wolf Paulus
Speaking on: Android, Arduino, and the Headphone Jack
Android Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech - How to build a voice controlled assistant.
>>>>> 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 210 <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92117
From Highway 5 exit east at Balboa
North on Morena Blvd.
Speaker: Wolf Paulus
Title: Android, Arduino, and the Headphone Jack
There are quite a few 3rd party devices that attach to a smartphone's 3.5 mm headphone jack, Square's Credit Card reader, being just one of them. We will reveal the magic behind this cool innovative trick, explain how it was done and how your mobile app too, could take advantage of the headphone jack. Hijacking power and bandwidth from the mobile phone's audio interface. Come to see and learn how mobile app take advantage of a smartphone's headphone jack.
We will use "phone to phone" as well as Arduino to Android examples to demonstrate and explain this cool and innovative communication channel, and you may even pick up a couple DSP (Digital Signal Processing) basics along the way
Title: Android Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech - How to build a voice controlled assistant.
"What does a weasel look like?" We are taking a closer look at Android's Speech-To-Text (STT) and Text-To-Speech (TTS) capabilities - and will develop and deploy three small apps, each a little more capable, and finally walk through the steps of building a voice controlled assistant.
Android uses Google's Speech-To-Text engine in the cloud but has Text-To-Speech capabilities baked right into Android since Android 2.0 (Donut), using SVOX Pico with six language packages (US and UK English, German, French, Italian and Spanish).
While Speech Recognition, Interpretation, and Text-To-Speech Synthesizer are addressed by phone equipment- and OS makers, the core problem of how to capture knowledge and make it accessible to smart software agents is ignored and all service like SIRI or Google Voice Actions remain closed, i.e. not easily extendable with 3rd party information/knowledge. Some ideas will be mentioned and hopefully lead to a good discussion of this topic
Bio: Wolf Paulus is a photographer, hiker, hacker, technologist based in Ramona, California. He is currently working on Android projects, occasionally speak at developer conferences, and work on open source projects (Swixml, HessDroid, …). You can contact him by email at wolf@wolfpaulus.com and can read much more at http://wolfpaulus.com/about.
Twitter: @wolfpaulus
G+: http://wolfpaulus.com/+